SpinFire - was created with the support of professional players Spin & Go | Jackpot Sng | HU Of 30 – 100 limits.

This package includes advanced positional HUDs for 2max and 3 max games:
HU SNG HUD - optimized for 2max in SNG, Spin&Go tournaments;
SpinFire HUD - optimized for 2max and 3max in SNG, Spin&Go tournaments;
Hero Game analyses - detailed statistics for analysis including the peculiarities of 2max and 3max games.

*Important! All positional HUDs function in an innovative program for gathering statistics, Hand2Note!
You need the licensed version of the software in order to activate it!
Features and benefits
  • Display of statistic panels for positions in regard to your position at the table:
    • 3m - BTN vs BB / SB;
    • 3m - SB vs BB;
    • 3m - SB vs BTN;
    • 3m - BB vs BTN;
    • 3m - BB vs SB;
    • 2m - SB vs BB;
    • 2m - BB vs SB;
  • Different HUDs depending on the number of hands of the opponent:
    • FISH HUD < 50Hands;
    • REG HUD Lite 50 < 300Hands;
    • REG HUD Advanced 300Hands+
  • Extended preflop / postflop statistics with growing hand for the opponent;
  • Possibility to analyze your and your opponent’s games according to all game lines;
  • Additional automatic information for every stat:
    • Postflop/Preflop diagrams
    • Next player’s action
    • Stats vs-Hero
    • Bet sizes / Showdowns
    • Action Profit
*SpinFire HUD/HU-SNG complies with all rules and requirements of poker rooms.
Features and benefits
  • Dynamic highlighting of preflop statistics from the level of the effective stack;
  • Absence of popups, all information is displayed at the table in a compact view;
  • Color ranging of statistics depending on the aggressiveness of the game line:
    • Green – tight;
    • Light grey – normal;
    • Red – aggressive;
  • Clear representation and understanding of the opponents’ game due to accurate and detailed statistics;
  • An open editor will allow you to change profiles according to your taste;
  • Access to Installation and presetting manual
*SpinFire HUD/HU-SNG complies with all rules and requirements of poker rooms.
HUD’s appearance at the table
3max FISH HUD+описание
3max REG HUD Lite+описание
Fish HUD from 0 to 50 hands
  • Compact HUD for playing against unknown players;
  • Positional indicators of preflop and postflop statistics;
  • Colour ranging of aggressiveness/passiveness;
  • Dynamic highlighting of the effective stack;
  • 4 levels of effective stacks;
  • Mini popups: 4bet, Fold vs 4bet;
  • Nash 3max, 2max.
Reg HUD from 50 to 300 hands
  • Compact HUD for playing against little-known players;
  • Positional indicators of preflop and postflop statistics;
  • Additional info on sizings in advanced popups;
  • Colour ranging of aggressiveness/passiveness;
  • Dynamic highlighting of the effective stack;
  • 6 levels of effective stacks;
  • Mini popups: 4bet, Fold vs 4bet;
  • Nash 3max, 2max.
Reg HUD Advanced from 300 hands and more
  • Detailed HUD for playing against regular players;
  • Positional indicators of preflop and postflop statistics;
  • Additional info on sizings in advanced popups;
  • Colour ranging of aggressiveness/passiveness;
  • Dynamic highlighting of the effective stack;
  • 7 levels of effective stacks;
  • Mini popups: 4bet, Fold vs 4bet, Fold vs Steal;
  • Nash 3max, 2max.
Hero game analyses
  • Detailed popup for analyzing your own and your opponents’ games;
  • Positional indicators of preflop and postflop statistics;
  • Colour ranging of aggressiveness/passiveness;
  • 11 levels of effective stacks;
  • Postflop statistics for 11 different board textures.
Preflop / Postflop diagrams

When you point at any stat preflop or postflop you can view additional information.

*Important! Diagrams are not working in poker room PokerStars!

Double preflop charts

Blue - passive action
Green - aggressive actions

Postflop Diagrams

Every postflop stat allows you to display additional information for each indicator: the betsizes, calls, raises, checks, vs Hero, wtsd, won$d

Analysis of the game for all indicators of the stats

You can analyze your opponents on all the HUD panels

*The analyses tab is opened by double clicking on the player

Purchase on limits
3 month
(+ PokerStars HUD)
(+ PokerStars HUD)
Unlimited + PokerStars HUD
Choice: Unlimited - $15
HUD - 4шт.
Popups - 30шт.
Stats - 5890шт.
ExpressionStats - 209шт.
[GT_HU-SNG 2max [positional hud_one-level]
[GT_SPINFIRE 2-3max [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_SPINFIRE Lite 2-3max [positional hud_one-level]
[GT_SPINFIRE ADV 2-3max [positional hud_one-level]
1 May 2019
playing less than a year
Good time and Good Hud, thanks.
Leave testimonial
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Your message:*
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Did you like the HUD?
Important to know
To activate HUD, you need an EDGE or PRO subscription
To use GT-HUD packages, you must have an active EDGE subscription if you play in Global Rooms or a PRO subscription if you play in Asian / Chinese poker rooms.

Bonus code for Hand2Note: H2N10IQ – 10% discount is valid only on the first purchase.

We pay 10 - 25% for attracting a new user

When buying Adaptive HUD or Dynamic HUD → New Simple HUD will be as a present!

When buying MTT-SNG Pack → SpinHud+HU-SNG will be as a present!

We invite poker sites and shops, coaches, and bloggers for cooperation.

For these purposes we have developed a "Poker tool "GT-HUD" a unique new product for the poker game.

Learn more about the partnership programmes via the feedback form or contact on Skype: GT-Pack


We take into account all users’ wishes and regularly supplement our set with necessary functions, stats, and badges.
Contact our Support at support@gthud.com or in Skype: GT-Pack and please describe in detail what you think is missing in HUD.


We offer our help in installing and presetting Hand2Note/HUD. To do that, you need to have an updated version of TeamViewer, and headphones with a microphone.


If you still have questions or experience difficulties when choosing, please write to our Skype or e-mail and we will answer your questions and find a suitable option for you!