Improve your advantage at the expense of positional and dynamic statistics.
Dynamic HUD is created specifically for 6 – 9max cash tables and allows to display only relevant statistics for each player at the table depending on the situation or on the situation in the given hand and the preset conditions: players’ positions, board texture and actions.

Use precise statistical indicators with the increasing number of hands for opponents.
HUD with general indicators is displayed for opponents with up to 3,000 hands, which is convenient when the player has little history. After 3,000 hands, HUD automatically changes to another where statistics involves players’ positions which allows to show more accurate statistics in certain game situations.
Rid yourself of popups and enjoy the game with dynamic preflop stats.
Automatic display of the necessary preflop stats will save your time significantly when making the right decision.

When hovering over any stat at preflop or Postflop, additional info can be viewed.
Double specters of call and raise in one diagram make it possible to get a better idea about the way the player mixes their ranges.
Evaluate the game line by taking a look at a Postflop diagram with a percentage distribution of the hand power.
Save more time with the dynamic Postflop panels.
Dynamic Postflop displays info about the current hand in compact panels located to the right or to the left of the player. Convenient allocation of information and understandable abbreviations help to navigate during the game.
The panels are displayed when playing one-on-one with the opponent: Single Raised Pot / 3bet Pot / 4bet Pot
Evaluate opponent's reaction on different board textures.
Skillful allocation of boards into 9 different textures will help you to compare the game of usual Postflop stats with the stats depending on the board texture.
Texture stats are displayed when playing one-on-one with the opponent:
Single Raised Pot / 3bet Pot

The most powerful weapon when playing with regular players is accurate statistics indicators.
All statistics is divided into three levels:
#1. Unknown players – general stats played “All against all”
#2. Little-known players - general IP / OOP stats played “All against all”
#3. Regular players - IP / OOP / PvP stats played only “Against regular players”
Currently, this component is the main advantage that is not present in any other commercial Pack we know!
There’s always a possibility to use the popups you’re used to.
Informative popups with a unique structure of statistics organization will ensure the best gaming conditions for you against the opponents of different levels.
A large number of preflop and postflop popups is compiled in our collection.
Popups - 70pcs.
Stats - 7991pcs.
ExpressionStats - 566pcs.
Badges - 50pcs.
[GT_ADAPTIVE DYNAMIC 3-10max [min.panel_max.hud_three-levels]
[GT_ADAPTIVE DYNAMIC 3-10max [min.panel_max.hud_three-levels]_v2
[GT_DYNAMIC 6max [two-levels]
[GT_DYNAMIC 9max [two-levels]
[GT_DYNAMIC Full 6max [two-levels]
[GT_DYNAMIC Full 9max [two-levels]
[GT_DYNAMIC Lite 6max [two-levels]
[GT_DYNAMIC Lite 9max [two-levels]
[GT_ADAPTIVE-SIMPLE 3-10max [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_MULTI-TABLING 3-10max [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_MULTI-TABLING PRO 3-10max [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 3-10max black [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 3-10max black Plus [positional hud_three-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 3-10max gray [positional hud-three-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 3-10max gray Plus [positional hud-three-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 6-9max [easy_one-level]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE 6-9max[positional hud_two-levels]
[GT_NEW-SIMPLE ADV 6max [positional hud_two-levels]
[GT_HU-CASH-HUD [easy]
Thank you for such a great HUD!
I'd like to leave a review)
Having played for a few days, I can safely say that GT-Hud is made in a great and professional manner. I tried some products by your competitors, and they are incomparable to GT. Yours is made very professionally, there's not a single unnecessary feature in it. For sure, I'll never go back to XM2. Thank you for a great and professional product!
Bonus code for Hand2Note: H2N10IQ – 10% discount is valid only on the first purchase.
When buying Adaptive HUD or Dynamic HUD → New Simple HUD will be as a present!
When buying MTT-SNG Pack → SpinHud+HU-SNG will be as a present!
For these purposes we have developed a "Poker tool "GT-HUD" a unique new product for the poker game.
Learn more about the partnership programmes via the feedback form or contact on Skype: GT-Pack
We take into account all users’ wishes and regularly supplement our set with necessary functions, stats, and badges.
Contact our Support at support@gthud.com or in Skype: GT-Pack and please describe in detail what you think is missing in HUD.
We offer our help in installing and presetting Hand2Note/HUD. To do that, you need to have an updated version of TeamViewer, and headphones with a microphone.
If you still have questions or experience difficulties when choosing, please write to our Skype or e-mail and we will answer your questions and find a suitable option for you!